Technical Specs

Drawings & Technical Data

  • 5.5” Dia. Helix Pile and Anchor lead Sections (External Connection)
  • 4.5” Dia. Helix Pile and Anchor lead Sections
  • 4.5” Dia. Helix Pile and Anchor lead Sections (Upset Connection)
  • 3.5” Dia. Helix Pile and Anchor lead Sections (Internal Connection)
  • 3.5” Dia. Helix Pile and Anchor lead Sections (Threaded Connection)
  • 3.5" Dia. Helix Pile (Upset Connection )
  • 2.875” Dia. Helix Pile and Anchor lead Sections (0.75HW) (Upset Connection)
  • 2.875” Dia. Helix Pile and Anchor lead Sections (0.875HW) (Upset Connection)
  • 2.375” Dia. Helix Pile and Anchor lead Sections
  • Wall Tieback (2.875") #4550.2875
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